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Sun Safety - How to Protect Your Children While Having Fun

Jacqui drake with children sun promoting sun safety
Jacqui Drake promoting sun safety

When it comes to children's safety, we often think about teaching them to look both ways before crossing the street or to eat their vegetables for a healthy diet. But one essential aspect of safety that sometimes gets overlooked is sun protection. Since young children have thinner and more sensitive skin than adults, they are more vulnerable to the harmful effects of the sun's rays. In fact, studies show that frequent unprotected sun exposure (and sunburns) in early life can lead to higher rates of melanoma later on. Here's how you can teach your children the importance of sun safety while having fun at the same time.

1. Provide the Right Tools for Sun Protection

Teach your children about the importance of shielding their skin from sun damage with hats, protective clothing, and sunglasses. When it comes to sunscreen, ensure they use a broad-spectrum product with an SPF of 30 or higher every day. For children over six months of age, sunglasses are recommended to protect their eyes from harmful UV rays as well.

1.1. Make Sun Protection Fun and Personalized

Allow your kids to choose their own fun hats, wacky sunglasses, and even clothing with ultraviolet protection. This will make getting dressed for sun protection a special event and encourage them to wear these items regularly.

1.2. Encourage Creativity and Involvement

Get your children involved in the sun protection process by letting them help with sunscreen application or choosing their own sun-protective gear. This will give them a sense of control and ownership over their sun safety.

2. Teach the Importance of Time and Shade

Explain to your children that the risk of sun damage changes throughout the day, with UV rays being at their strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Encourage them to seek out natural shade or use umbrellas during these peak hours.

2.1. The Shadow Game

A fun way to teach children about the sun's strength is by playing the shadow game. When their shadow is shorter than their height, it indicates that the sun's UV rays are strong, and they should seek shade.

2.2. Make Shade a Priority

When planning outdoor activities or beach trips, prioritize finding shaded areas or bringing along items like umbrellas and sun tents to provide protection from the sun.

3. Show Them How to Apply Sunscreen Properly

Ensure your child knows that they need to reapply sunscreen every two hours or after swimming or sweating. Teach them to apply sunscreen to all exposed areas of their body, paying special attention to commonly missed spots like the tops of their feet, back of their neck, and ears.

3.1. Make Sunscreen Application Fun

Turn sunscreen application into a fun, interactive experience by singing songs, creating catchy mantras, or even adding a few drops of food coloring or glitter to make it more appealing.

3.2. Enlist Help from Caregivers and Educators

Communicate with your child's daycare, school, or camp staff to ensure they enforce sunscreen application and provide shade during outdoor activities.

4. Educate Them About the Dangers of Tanning

As your child enters their teenage years, they may become interested in tanning. Teach them that there is no such thing as a "healthy tan" and that any skin damage from the sun increases the risk of developing skin cancer.

4.1. Discuss the Risks of Tanning Beds

Explain that tanning beds are especially hazardous, increasing the risk of developing melanoma by almost 60 percent. Encourage them to avoid indoor tanning altogether.

4.2. Promote Safe Alternatives

If your teen insists on having a tan for a special event, suggest using a self-tanner instead. Just make sure they continue to cover up and use sunscreen, as a faux tan won't provide any protection from UV rays.

5. Be a Role Model for Sun Safety

Your children are more likely to adopt sun-safe habits if they see you practicing them as well. Make sure you wear sunscreen, protective clothing, and sunglasses regularly, and seek shade during peak sun hours.

5.1. Share Your Experiences

Discuss your own experiences with sunburns or sun damage and how you have learned the importance of sun safety. This helps create a personal connection and reinforces the importance of sun protection.

5.2. Support Sun-Safe Activities

Encourage and participate in outdoor activities that promote sun safety, such as swimming in shaded pools or playing in parks with ample shade.

In Conclusion

By teaching your children the importance of sun safety from an early age and making it a fun and engaging experience, you can help ensure they develop healthy habits that will last a lifetime. Remember to lead by example and prioritize sun protection in your family's daily routine.

Thank you for supporting Jacqui's Million and the Leeds Hospitals Charity in their mission to promote sun safety awareness and provide support to those affected by skin cancer. Together, we can create a brighter and healthier future for our children.


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